Alpaca farmer and retired domestic violence program director

Barb N. flowchartBarb N.
Alpaca farmer and retired domestic violence program director
Age: 66

I think for me, the domestic violence program is the job I’m most grateful for. It was there, becoming a full-time part of that organization . . . profound, profound changes in my perception of things, how I lived my life, how I related to others. I ran into so many things, women’s issues, authority issues, all of those things that I had faced earlier in my life, melding right there. And then taking those experiences and saying OK, that’s you. That’s you, Barb. But this isn’t about you. This is about something bigger and more meaningful than just an individual thing. It’s about making a different world, hopefully. Making things better for women. Making things better for children. Making things better for men. But mostly women and children. [Laughs] And making a difference. It was being able to sink your teeth into making a difference. And doing it daily.

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